Saturday, January 30, 2010


so pretty much nan and haley are like my fery best friends ever!! when ever i am sad i just run over about 4 doors down and i know i will be happy in an instant!! boys are fun for a time but the real fun i have ever had was with my girls.. we don't even have to be doing anything..all you need is girls, ice cream and music! oh and house is a hottie! thats all for today!!

feeling numb...

sometimes i wish i was always pain, no hurt, no feeling..but does that mean no happieness? I wish i could tell someone how i feel but what will happen after i do. i don't want to hurt anyone.. but i don't even know if it will hurt.. what does it mean when a guy kisses a girl? does that mean they love eachother? The feeling that you whole insides are going to burst. should you scream? i hate feeling like this but yet i am to scared to fix it. is that normal? The three little words I love you.. what do they really mean? do you have to mean it to say it? but if you don't mean it then the special feeling is gone. When someone says it to you are you always suppose to say it back even if you don't feel that way? am i stupid.. if it was anyother girl would she be able to do this in a heart beat?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

boys are lame!

oh my.. i am just getting the hang of this whole blog thing.. so i wrote a huge paragraph about boys and stuff then it all just went away. so here i am writting it again. So boys.. why are do we need them again? oh yeah to love us to take care of us and to help us. So i have liked this kid, lets call him dog(not meaning anything), dog for ever! we have known eachother for about 5 months now and we play game, do homework, have fun and hang out.... no dates. guys now never ask girls on dates. we all just hang out! HANGING OUT IS LAME! its ok if your with lots of people but if you really want to spend some quality time with someone ask them out on a date! duh! anyway i guess i will just keep being his friend until something hits him on the head and he realizes that we should go on a date! the thing is i don't even want to be his girlfriend or anything all i want is some.. idk.. i don't know what i want anymore.. ok i am done rambeling on! Boys are great, life is good, college is crazy! LIVE LOVE LEARN.. Its LIFE!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

As my blog begins...

I realized today that when you vent to someone, whether they are a close friend or a stranger, they have some power over you to take that information and us it as they will. But aren't we suppose to trust people with stuff like that? i knew that if i created a blog i could say what ever i want and know one could use it against me. I don't know if anyone will ever read it. Or if it will help others. All i know is that i need to get some things out.. and this seems like a good spot. so if anyone does read this, this blog can be for anything...venting, random thinking, anything. so here i go...